Doghouse (2009)
A movie that is suppose to be a zombie comedy that fails in many levels
30 September 2011
This is suppose to be a zombie comedy but it fails in a lot of levels. It just seemed cheap and not because of the budget but because of the direction of it all including the acting. Yeah this is a movie that shouldn't be taken seriously but even when they are trying to act funny it just seemed so fake and lame. Which can be dismissed but even the humor in this doesn't work. It just seemed like the director just wanted to put a group of guys in a zombie town with a crappy build up, and them just trying to survive in by going about in bunch of goofy approaches. There is hardly any character development, maybe a little as they try to survive in the zombie overrun town but that is about it. So you hardly care about any of the characters if they die or not, and they aren't even all that likable. The zombies aren't even like zombies, they are stupid but they carry weapons and has slight human characteristics to them in another words they are more goofy than scary. Which in this movie just seemed lame and not effective at all. It's good to try something different sometimes, but not in this case. It just seemed the director was just inspired by zombie movies and video games and a bit from Guy Ritchie, but is a amateur since anyone could have directed this. I give it props for it trying to be a good zombie movie but it just fails in many levels like I said. The zombies don't even infect you if they bite you, instead they are like a man hating feminist cannibals with weapons. This isn't a awful zombie flick but wasn't all that good either.

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