the animation is good, but the jokes get old
29 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is a unique, crude, show that aims to be obscene. The show does this by making perverted jokes every now and then, at first it's pretty funny, but they do this over and over again until it just got repetitive. They do this while making pop culture references and clichés, making really weird episodes. and there's not much story either. Well, there's some loose continuation, and later in the series they start introducing an actual villain, but again they just had to put in sex jokes and the like so it's hard to take the show seriously when it's actually trying to be serious for once.

The characters, just like the show, are unique. Panty is the whore and Stocking is a Goth chick who likes sweets, they're both angels and they aren't really into fighting bad guys because they feel like it, they're actually being punished for their unacceptable behavior. because of the situation Panty and Stocking are in, you'd expect awesome fight scenes, well, sometimes the fights deliver, sometimes they don't. Other than that the animation is superb, it gives off a power puff girls vibe, sometimes they even change it up a bit, and the soundtrack is pretty good. Believe it or not, the show actually has a moral, it's something like to be chaotic and wild is to be free.

The entire season 1 is only 13 episodes, and the jokes got tedious just when they introduced the main villain which is somewhere from 7-9. If you want something different, go ahead and watch this one, just don't expect to latch on to it.
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