Typical SciFi Channel movie... not good... sometimes actually painful to watch.
27 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I always find if fascinating to watch SciFi Channel (not SyFy) produced movies, and my fascination is the same each and every time. I always wonder how it can be that the SciFi Channel has produced so many good TV series, and yet their movies can't even be called B movies; they are usually D, D-, and epic FAIL movies.

Morlocks is no exception to this phenomenon. If there is nothing else on your DVR to watch, and there is no old rerun on TVland, no DVD in your collection that you haven't watched in the past 12 months, there's no Law & Order or NCIS playing on any channel, and you absolutely must waste two hours of your life watching bad television, then I guess this is your movie.

Morlocks did fool me because of David Hewlett and Robert Picardo; I thought with those two actors in the movie that this particular SciFi production might actually be watchable. I was wrong. The CGI FX are about standard for a SciFi Channel movie, which is to say not bad, but certainly not good.

The movie also suffers from a pet peeve of mine that seems to be in every SciFi Channel movie ever produced; the annoyance being people behaving in ways that no actual person ever would. For instance scene 1... it's night at some unknown location, and we see a group of military people in a camp. Some people are on guard duty, and some are making plans for whatever it is they're going to do next. Ranking / Planning guy in the tent hears unusual noises, growling, human screams, etc... He grabs his assault rifle and runs outside to see one of his buddies being eaten alive by a large unknown critter (Morlock). Ranking / planning guy (AKA: Dumbass) just stands there and watches his buddy being eaten, and then just screams at the top of his lungs. Morlocks then eat Dumbass. Dude, there's a rifle in your hands! Point and shoot! Didn't they teach you that in boot camp? And that's what I mean by behaving in ways that no real person would. If your buddy is being eaten by a thing, step 1 is shoot the thing, preferably in the head.

The movie might be fun if you watch it with friends and create a drinking game based on the stupidity of the characters, and the unlikeliness of the plot devices. Without too much creativity, you could be drunk in the first hour, which would make the second hour more entertaining and pass much more quickly than the first.
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