Big Fat Gypsy Laughs
23 September 2011
It seems like this film is getting a lot of flack from critics, so thought I'd come on here and set the record straight.

If you want a film that is deep, thought provoking, post-modern and reflective of British Cinema; don't bother. If however, you want 90 minutes of laughter and chaos then this is the film for you.

With a stellar cast and amazing music soundtrack, Big Fat Gypsy Gangster has given comedy a kick up the backside and finally provided us with a film that is funny. None of this laughing under your breath maybe once or twice in the whole film, this will have you in stitches throughout.

I wish some of these critics would give this comedy credit for what it actually is: a really funny film. The makers have made something that's hilarious, so there's no need to over analyse it.

I can't think of one film in recent years that has made me laugh like this one. Yes, there are flaws in the script and blah blah blah but to put it simply, this is a gangster comedy and Big Fat Gypsy Gangster does what it says on the tin! Job Done.
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