Review of Clase 406

Clase 406 (2002–2003)
Good ideas, but not so good outcome
21 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Basically it started as a different show with some modern themes for the youths and later it started to annoy me. I have not seen all episodes, but from what I saw the first season is the best. I don't have problem with the not true villains in the story, I happen to believe that not all in the world is black and white, most of the time the things are gray. The problem that I have is that Magdalena became good too fast. What I liked about villains like Magdalena and Daniela is that there was an attempt to justify their actions with domestic abuse, hard life and so on. It is an interesting aspect, but it was not explored very well. Well after all it is a soap opera, so we can't expect too much.

The other thing that annoyed me was that almost all the teachers were so willing to help the students and they were aware of all their problems. I don't know how it is in Mexico, but in my country the rebels does not take into account the teachers and the teachers have their own problems to solve, so they don't want to be engaged in the problems of the children.

Another thing that annoyed me was Fransisco and how he was so unaware who he likes. I mean, it is normal for Kike to wonder who likes more - Magdalena or Marcela. After all he is a teen. It is not normal for grown up to not be able to decide who he loves - Adriana, Ana Maria or Angela. Fransisco used Ana Maria twice and if I were her, I would not forgive him.

As for Caballo I did not get his motivation to be drug dealer. Just two months before that, Hugo(supposedly his best friend; to me Hugo, Fercho and Caballo were friends long before the Clase 406 band, so I think that their friendship was one of the longest among with the one between Marcela and Gaby) died and so he decided to do the same - to involve himself in drug business and most importantly to become addict. The alcoholism is indeed real problem for teens, but this topic was too fast developed and vanished for like 3-4 episodes. I don't think that when someone drinks non stop one week, he became so much addict. I think that it takes a lot more time.

The early/teen pregnancy problem is also a real one, but it was not good explored. Sometimes I could even forget that Gaby had a daughter. Besides she was raped and I would expect to see some typical problems like inability to trust men, fear for sexual relationship and so on. Jessica was raped in the third season and we saw her cry and so on(to me a bit exaggerated, I am not fan of Jessica. I agree that it was awful, but she kind of started it by deciding to be friends with Leonardo and make plans with him to interfere Fercho and Tatiana relationship) and although it might be too much, at least we saw something, while Gaby's situation was worse - she was raped, she was 15 years old and she was soon to be mom.

The mention of Jessica leads to the third season which was a bit disappointing, but the forth was even worse. These teens started as rebels and ended up as some crying naive kids. Fercho and Caballo used to be in gang for God's sake and yet Fercho is some crying boy who fears almost everyone(Leonardo, Samsara and so on.) He was so willing to do whatever he needs for Tatiana and because of that he was invalid. Too bad we did not see a moment when he accuses her, that would be awesome. I mean I like them as a couple, but she had some guilt, after all she was the one(with the help of her "best" friend Jessica) that decided to be with Leonardo, to take drugs and sell drugs and yet Fercho paid the price. And he was the one who like true best friend did not stop to try to help her.

And finally Samsara - she was just plain ridiculous villain. They are supposed to be best friends and yet they fight over her, I have to say wtf? She kidnaps El Gato and they don't call the police, they just start revenge? It was too unrealistic. And what for was needed Fercho? How can a cripple man can help against someone with gun?(I am not trying to say something against the people with inabilities, I am just saying that the forces will be uneven).

To summarize - there was good points. It was different from the most teen operas, where we see only spoiled kids with love problems. It was not about the rich ones(at least in the first season), it was not about the ones with good families and financial situations. It might be not always funny, but in reality not all live happily. All of the shown problems does exist in our world, they just were not explored that well. I still prefer to watch it above others, because even the outcome is not that good, at least it can get someone to think about the problems.
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