Shark Attack (1999 TV Movie)
Really quite appalling
16 September 2011
I will get this off my chest, I don't like these Shark Attack movies, they are cheap and cheesy, but for some strange reason there is some novelty value to be had. The first Shark Attack is not as bad its sequels, 3 is the worst of the series in my opinion, but that's not saying it. It suffers from all the problems of its successors and some. The editing and effects are cheap, the sharks aren't menacing at all, are underused and their attacks are seriously devoid of tension, suspense, excitement and heart. The story is drawn out with the middle dragging badly as well as side-lining the sharks, and predictable too with no scene coming of any big surprise and you do for example have an inkling of how it's going to end. The script is cheesy complete with sluggish pacing and clichéd characters, while the direction is inept and the acting really quite dire with nobody standing out. In conclusion, appalling, but a film to revel in how awful it is. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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