Review of Overnight

Overnight (2007)
One of the worst, "nothing-teller" Hungarian movie ever
10 September 2011
I really loved the movies from Ferenc Török. The Moszkvatér is really sweet and the Szezon has a very original atmosphere. He still seems to be a talented director, but you can't feel that in this movie. OK, the story could be nice, but in that film you just don't understand what and how things happening. At the beginning everything seems to be interesting but after 40 minutes you don't care the whole movie.

It is a really bad directed movie. The actors are staring at nothing and reacting after seconds: you just feel that the director wanted to make the film longer.

The characters are very antipathetic. They are like the typical young and rich guys without emotions and feelings. I just realized that I wanted them to fall, I wanted them to loose.

Overnight shows you a life you never want to live. Watching this movie is like watching a long and sad funeral: you can't enjoy it and you will have sad and bad feelings after it. And why? Because there are people in real life - especially in Hungary - who are the same as here: arrogant, antipathetic and feeling-less.

I really don't advise to watch this. It's a disappointing waste of time.
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