In August everything happens
6 September 2011
In the heat of August everything happens in rural mountainous Portugal: village parties and popular dances, processions, trains and pilgrimages,karaoke sessions, flirtations and love-making, bathing in the fluvial beach, the brass bands, the rock bands shows, the challenge singings with their waggeries, the boar hunt, the jumping into the river, the forest fires and the firemen and the coming of emigrants on holidays to their birthplace to enjoy and witness all this. And all this is shown on this movie in a cocktail of meaningful images and scenes and a pot-pourri of estival love songs, adopting an indiscreet camera style, here peering into real scenes and events and there picking up natural and spontaneous conversations, dialogues and speeches. In parallel with this documentary feature the movie has also a plot that is intentionally kept somewhat in the shade and that involves a father, a daughter and a nephew who form a ball music band. Their sentimental relations with each other degenerate sometimes into conflicts. In the end of the movie we watch a curious technical discussion by the team who made it. It's a cute movie (this is the adjective that better suits it) but a good one anyway.
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