Uninhabited (2010)
"Inspired by true events" WARNING huge spoiler- read after watching!
26 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I registered simply to settle the overwhelming urge I had to comment on this film. Firstly I am keen to know if this film was actually inspired by true events, if so what were they (as I have been able to find no reference to them despite a thorough search), and if not was it a lame attempt to add intrigue? As has already been stated it seems the director left one of the first comments. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at the "If anything, the girl and the ghost kind of bond" remark. Seriously, if leading a girl out onto the reef so she meets her doom by stepping on a stone fish is bonding, then I have led a very sheltered life where getting close to someone doesn't involve topping them. If Im honest I did find the film watchable, but far too many loose ends and contradictions. A ghost who can appear and disappear yet can wield a knife and stab people? When she did make an appearance there was nothing ghostly about her at all, just looked like a native islander. How did the ghost dig the graves, operate a camcorder and plant a mobile phone in her hut? If she was a man hater why kill Beth? And why did Beth take over as chief resident hauntress? And for me the crunch, the guy who dropped them on the island clearly knew something dodgy was going on there to look all concerned when leaving them and spout the line "If you decide to leave early, call me". He seems like a nice bloke so why didn't he just tell them "Hey guys you know this island is just not right, ill drop you off on one of the other 599 where you will remain alive". Priceless.. and made me laugh. For that I rate this as an unintentional Thrill-Com.
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