Post No Bills (1896)
Melies: Encore
25 August 2011
Defense d'afficher (1896)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

aka Post No Bills

Georges Melies comedy has an armed guard protecting a wall, which has a sign in front of it saying that no one is allowed to hang any bills. Of course, two idiots come along to break the rule and end up fighting each other. This "comedy" really doesn't have any real laughs so it's going to be of main interest to fans of Melies. The director, best known for A TRIP TO THE MOON and his "trick" films, made quite a few comedies but in a way it's easy to see why he isn't known for them. For the most part this thing is pleasant enough and since it runs under two-minutes there's really no dead space. I think the comic timing of the two main characters are really lacking as they never really sell the joke but to be fair to them the joke itself really isn't that funny to begin with.
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