Relic Hunter (1999–2002)
for fans
24 August 2011
I watch a lot of TV shows and a show doesn't have to have a gigantic budget to keep me entertained. If it's witty, charming and has likable characters you don't mind cheap sets and more often than not bad actors around the main characters. I really like Tia Carrere in this show and... well that's almost about it.

In everything I read about Relic Hunter before watching it myself the figures Indiana Jones and Lara Croft were brought up. Let me put it in few and simple words where the similarities lie: * Indiana Jones is a university professor -> Sydney Fox is, too * Indiana Jones looks for relics -> Sydney Fox does, too * Lara Croft got martial arts skills -> Sydney Fox does, too

Now let's take a look at the differences: * Indy Jones is a really intelligent man who knows very much and has to figure out intriguing riddles -> Sydney Fox never gives the impression she is a top professor with a vast knowledge about what she does. When she solves a riddle its more like putting a puzzle together than using a lot of wit. * Lara Croft is just completely kick-ass in everything she does -> Sydney Fox shows some vulnerability here and there (not a bad thing in general), and being kick-ass mostly focuses on the fight scenes.

In most shows there is the concept of the hero of the show and the comic relief sidekick. In this case the sidekick would be Nigel, nerdy teaching assistant from England with his slightly distinguished British accent and manner. This would be a good mix if the Sydney character was actually really knowledgeable and kick-ass and the sidekick really nerdy and funny. Thing is they're both just not all that extreme in their ways so you sometimes wonder who plays who's part.

The one thing that is really above average about this show are the fight scenes. Those are well executed and pretty often have some slapstick element to them that is actually funny. And Tia Carrere is really good in her role. I'm not a fanboy but have to say, if it wasn't for her charisma I wouldn't have gotten past the first episode.

I give this show a 5/10 because of Tia, the fight scenes and the general concept of the show.
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