The worst movie EVER
19 August 2011
I can give this movie credit for one thing: At least it fits its title.

This is the entire movie: Kill somebody, people vomit for 20 minutes, then a meth addict strips while we continue to see the after shot of a "Faces of Meth" poster. Repeat for 71 minutes.

Really? How can one even call this a movie? It's just random, badly edited shots of murder and vomit. And the decision to use a pitch shifter effect on all the dialogue just makes all these vomiting women sound like men was a poor one. The synopsis says "A girl makes a deal with the devil to get revenge on her tormentors" (paraphrased). Without that I would have been totally lost as to whatever was going on in this movie.

This gets a 1/10 if only because negative numbers are simply imaginary, but it's still a better imagination than whoever thought up this filth.
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