Goodnight Burbank; Funny and Smart! Love it
11 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Goodnight Burbank is twice as funny as any TV sitcom.

I could write all day about how Hayden Black's writing deserves an Emmy or how his character Gordon Winston Smythe is all vanity and self serving on the outside with a kernel of journalistic goodness dying to get out and do good reporting.

Speaking of self serving vanity, Laure Silverman's Whitney Appleby is hot for all the wrong reasons. (and some of the right ones) Attractive? YES. Every time she starts pushing Jesus, brown nosing the station manager or talking about her wedding having swans proceed the wedding party down the aisle only to be eaten for dinner at the reception..... I fall more in love with her crazy ass. Hysterically wrong and just plain hysterical.

Dominic Monaghan as Paul Lynch the clueless reporter is cringe worthy hilarious as well. The whole staff is great... what other show tells the Muslim female assistant to "sit on a dead guys face so the corpse doesn't pop up into the camera frame?" Dear God.. I mean Allah.

I don't want to reveal spoilers from other episodes, so I only mentioned Episode 1. But on Hulu you can watch the 1st season and it is comedy gold. So, so funny.And each episode gets progressively more insane.

"Do you know what the one word is every foreigner understands? KA-BOOM" I love you Whitney. Never change. Never! hahahahaha
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