A Crime of Passion (2003 TV Movie)
Ridiculous mystery has a few unintentional laughs
13 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, here is one of those feisty businesswoman-in-distress thrillers. Here, the a young, attractive partner in a successful winery is shocked after the wife of her business partner dies under suspicious circumstances. As usual in films like this, she (Cynthia Gibb) decides to do a Jessica Fletcher impression and conduct her own investigation. In the process, she repeatedly puts herself in danger unnecessarily and finds clues that trained investigators weren't able to find. The ending is priceless. The killer, while chasing our plucky heroine, has a prolonged monologue which explains every part of the mystery step-by-step (I did this, I did that, I was waiting for you when you went there), thus helping the audience tie up all the loose ends and helping to make the way for the inevitable happy ending. How cliché is that?
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