It's about a flame-farting gigantic flying turtle saving the Earth....so don't expect Shakespeare!
7 August 2011
This film, retitled "War of the Monsters", is part of a 20 film multi-pack from Mill Creek Entertainment. Mill Creek's collections are mostly public domain films and the picture quality is generally pretty bad. In the case of this particular film, IMDb says that it's a color film but you'd hardly know it due to the quality of the print. The color is almost completely missing and the film has the typical bad dubbing you'd expect from a Toho monster film.

While I was far from in love with this film (I really am NOT a huge fan of the genre), I was thankful that at least this Gamera film did NOT feature an annoying kid who had faith in this flying and flame-farting beast. I don't know why Toho did this with the other Gamera films as well as some of the other monster films (such as the little brat who KNOWS Godzilla will save them in "Godzilla Versus the Smog-Monster"). But at least this one is lacking this cliché.

As far as the rest of the film goes, it features one of the stupidest looking giant Japanese monsters ever (Berugon) and it naturally attacks Japan--taking out cheap plastic airplanes, cheap plastic tanks and cheap balsa wood cities. So, it's up to Gamera to come to the rescue. None of it's especially compelling and the plot about the opal/egg isn't particularly diverting either. I know fans of this sort of stuff will think I am an idiot, but to me it just looked like a very bad movie--very, very, very bad. Berugon?!?! A doggy-crocodilian. And a flame-farting flying turtle, Gamera?!? By the way, for years I avoided Japanese films because of movies like this. DON'T. Japan makes some of the most interesting films and shouldn't be blamed for these sort of monstrosities.
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