Jane Eyre (2011)
How can a fan of the book say this is the best?
5 August 2011
First off, I'm a huge fan of the book. I think it may be one of the most underrated books of all time.

Now for the movie.

Let's get to the good:

1) The casting- Michael Fassbender is perhaps the hottest Rochester I could ever imagine. He's got the "ugly" that the character needs while not bothering to try and hide his good looks. He brings a certain something to the character that wasn't in the books.

Mia...whatever her last name was okay. She's young so at least they kept that in the movie. But she's quiet and meek which is what Jane is really like.

But there is zero chemistry between them. And what there is, is forced.

2) The music- absolutely wonderful!! 3) The scenery- Gorgeous! Just the Thornfield I had imagined in my head come to life.

Now for the bad: 1) Pacing- The movie went by way to fast. It missed the whole buildup and friendship between Jane and Rochester so when it came to for them to declare their love, it was a WTF moment.

2) Lack of important parts- the whole book is focused on Jane's lack of family. Then, we find out that the Rivers family is actually her family as well.

The movie completely ignored this! And they made John into an admirer of Jane! WTF? Jane's background is barely touched on. Where is her friendship with Helen? And what about Lowood and the Reed girls? 3) Timing- Again, it was rushed. But the timing of the story is all over the place. I didn't mind that they told it as a backstory, but it was kind of distracting.

I've seen the deleted scenes and I think that if they were included, the story would've flowed smoother and made much more sense. And really, was it that hard to include a few extra scenes that are important (such as Adele and Rochester's connection)? Those scenes would've made the movie maybe 10-12 minutes longer, which the movie desperately could've used.

4) The Ending- Um...what? I thought I was watching Jane Eyre and not Pride and Prejudice. There was an epilogue at the end of the book which shows what happened to Rochester and Jane. Instead, the writers went for a Jane Austen ala P&P sequence that slowly fades out with them.

Boring and anti climatic to a very predictable movie based on a very harsh and real love story.

How can a true fan of the book say this is great? They leave out just about everything important! (ie. Bertha, Adele/Rochester connection, the Reeds, the Rivers, Lowood, Bessie, and so much more)

However, if you never read the book, then its great. Usually I have no problem separating book from film, but this was ridiculous. They filmed most of those parts that I mentioned then deleted them.

What a waste.
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