Review of D4

D4 (2011)
D4 is a treat for sci-fi/horror fans everywhere!
4 August 2011
Let's talk about D4.

If you're not a fan of movies, you'll want to skip this one. It's not chock full of flash, bang, and big budget, but rather story, character, and most of all, heart. So, my advice for all you Michael Bay supporters out there is to just stay away.

Now, for the rest of us, what we have here is a movie—and it's been awhile since I've seen a movie. This is a motion picture that takes you to a different place and it makes you think; it makes you care about the kids, the old man, even the soldiers. Why? Because they bleed and not just fake blood, but emotions that you can believe and invest in.

The conspiracy story arcs interweave nicely and for once, the soldiers don't have to kill fifteen hundred people just to get into the building where there's fifteen hundred more waiting. They get where they're going and get inside and all the while, director Darrin Dickerson is building the tension to the boiling point and then he lets you simmer in it, cooking until you're raw and you can't wait anymore. And at that point, he ratchets it up again. Not by blowing things up or throwing body parts at the screen, but adding even more mystery and intrigue to the mix via character interaction and dialog. His soldiers aren't super and act accordingly.

No, the special effects are the greatest I've ever seen, but there are two things about that I want to mention about that. First, they're not necessary to the story and therefore don't detract from it at all. Second, they're really not that bad when you examine them in the context of the budget. I've seen worse in movies with budges five times bigger. The director used what he had to instead of going for the FX overkill like most people and, for that, he gets kudos.

The bottom line is that D4 is a well written, well directed sci-fi/horror movie for fans of movies. As I stated earlier, if this is your kind of movie, then pick it up. If not, well, Michael Bay released Transformers 3 and you can go watch him blow things up. Again.
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