Immature Mens' Road Trip, Finnish-Style
31 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In northern Finland in December, Inari (Pamela Tola) has had enough of her slacker husband of 9 years, Janne (Jussi Vatanen); first, she's given him 50 Euros to buy a digital recorder but he's blown the money on booze and just fooling around. So she gives him an ultimatum – bring home a digital box by 9 AM tomorrow or she's leaving. Janne and his two buddies Kapu (Jasper Paakkonen) and Tapio (Timo Lavikainen) set off in a borrowed car to the nearest big town, 200 kilometres away. Janne has no idea how he'll find the money to buy the machine, but he's sure he'll think of something. In the meantime, he doesn't know that an old flame of Inari's has decided to make moves of his own on her in Janne's absence....

This is your basic winter road trip movie, Finnish-style. The men are all in their 30s and completely irresponsible; the women are all long-suffering but willing to give their guys just a little bit more time in the hopes that they'll somehow grow up. There's various high-jinks, run-ins with cops, naked men running around with paintball guns – oh, and an underwater rugby team made up entirely of gorgeous Swedish women. Your tolerance of this movie will relate directly to your tolerance for all such movies; I suspect men will find it funnier than women, overall, and women are more likely to just roll their eyes. Performances are all fine, but the plot just does not appeal.
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