Review of The Mechanic

The Mechanic (2011)
Cashing in on the Jason Statham Image. . .
26 July 2011
'The Mechanic' is a mindless romp. Completely forgettable with not much good to say about it. I'll organize my good and bad thoughts on the film.

The Good:

-It had Jason Statham. He's pretty cool, right?

-There was at least one good fight scene.

-Uhhhhh... I guess the movie had some cool cars?

The Bad:

  • Pointless sex scenes just for the sake of having a sex scene. This statement speaks for itself. I see too many movies now-a-days where a sensual situation will be thrown in only for the sake of pleasing the target audience (males ranging from 15-30.)

  • And the ridiculousness of how those scenes happened were unintentionally hilarious. The two main characters go to this bar or club or whatever it is. Sit down for about a minute. Literally, a minute. Then a beautiful girl comes up to them, out of the blue, full of seduction. Without any dialogue or conversation between the two, they cut to the scene where they're doing it. What??????????? What kind of club is this? And where can I find one?

  • Lack of action. Now I'm not a big explosion guy. I prefer witty dialogue and an intriguing story compared to noisy action scenes. But when you're dealing with a Jason Statham movie, you expect they're to be non-stop, off the wall fist fights and car cases. This movie fails to deliver. So much so, the first 40 minutes go by without any action at all. You can call it the 'set-up', but a movie like this should give the people what they came to see.

  • Jason Statham. Yes, I know I labeled him as one of the few decent qualities about this movie. But the fact is this actor has such a one note performance in every single one of his movies (at least that I've seen), it gets to the point where I can't take it. He talks quietly, has that mad look on his face, and always escapes the most dangerous of scenarios completely unharmed.

  • Ben Foster's character (or whatever his name was.) Didn't belong in the movie at all. Why in the world Statham's character would bring him on board as like a 'hitman's assistant' is never explained. Was it guilt? Was he to be his apprentice? Do I care?

  • Training results. Many, many, many, many action movies fall to this cliché. It's that only after a short and most likely useless training session (Ben Foster's character shoots shotgun shells at various targets in the woods) he becomes an untouchable killing machine. You're telling me this guy went from a drunk to a weapon in such a short amount of time like that? Hard to believe. . .

  • The Climax. I won't give it away (not like it would matter anyways) but the final battle has something to do with a large city. Car crashes, explosions, massive gunfire everywhere. But I thought Jason Statham's character was suppose to be this ninja-like assassin who moves in silence and covers up his footsteps? He's causing about as much destruction as you would see in any disaster movie. Did he just say 'screw it, I'm tired off playing it safe'?


This movie is garbage. But, what more do you expect from a January movie? I originally gave it a 3/10, but when writing this review realized how bad it really was. So, here it is. My first 1/10 I've given a movie. Congrats!
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