Review of After.Life

After.Life (2009)
Not dead, it just felt like it
25 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Christina Ricci and Justin Long have problems in their relationship which remain unresolved when she is killed in a car crash. She is puzzled to wake up on the mortician's table (Liam Neeson, affecting a cross between avuncular and creepy), to find out that he can talk to the dead to help them accept their death. Except maybe she isn't dead, and this is just his little hobby. Also, there is a creepy kid with a creepy mother. Also, Justin Long thinks she may still be alive...

This is a decent set up, with a decent cast. Which is why it saddens me to say that this really isn't very good. To be specific:

1. It is horribly slow. It takes forever to get to the point.

2. It is full of points where the unlikely events could be easily turned on their head and the problems solved (when Neeson is injecting Ricci, surely you need blood to be circulating in order for drugs to work? Not to mention her physical interaction with her surroundings, never mind the breath thing).

3. There are a number of elements which are never explained or followed up (the kid's creepy mother, for instance).

4. The resolution is broadly unsatisfactory, both logically and in terms of emotional payoff.

5. And it's dreadfully slow. I watched it with my wife and daughter, both of whom also commented - more forcefully than I! - on how much it dragged. In fact, my wife was rendered so indifferent to it that she went off to bed two minues before it ended.

Looking on the bright side, Christina Ricci spends a lot of the movie SBN (aka Stark B*ll*ck Naked), albeit covered in deathly white body makeup and a touch of physical trauma makeup, with (presumably) rigor mortis which causes pube-hiding knee-bends in both legs, depending on which side she is being filmed from.
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