5 Days of War (2011)
An Entertaining Propaganda Piece
25 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is certainly an enigma. Do you rate it for its acting and action sequences, or for the historical accuracy of the conflict it pertains to? Covering the former, the acting here is fairly top-notch by all involved, and the action scenes are where this film excels. Since individuals involved with the Georgian government assisted in bankrolling the film, they also got full backing from the Georgian Army, so if you are an eclectic "tread-head" you will be pleased to see the actual equipment used by both sides in the conflict, including Mi-24D Hind's, Su-25 Frogfoot's, T-72's w/ERA of various makes, BTR-60's & 70's, BMP-2's, you name it. This does much to lend an air of credibility when viewing. For the normal viewer this may not matter much, but the action scenes are well (sometimes too well) choreographed.

Now as for the film's handling of its source material (the 2008 Georgia- Russia war over South Ossetia and Abkhazia), make no mistake about it, this is a textbook example of propaganda film. The Russian and South Ossetian militia are portrayed as savage and merciless killers executing and gunning down everyone in sight, while the brave Georgian soldiers are Hollywood Navy SEALS incarnate. Some of the more obvious propaganda shots do tend to take away from the film a bit (people getting gunned down in classic slow motion), but all in all, if you realize what you are watching....

So, take it for what it is, a very loose patriotic Georgian "interpretation" of the 2008 war. If you are decidedly pro-Russian, the film will likely make you fume. If you are decidedly pro-Georgian, it will likely elicit a few cheers. If like me you are simply aware of the historical facts of the conflict but have no dog in the fight, you can just sit back and enjoy a fairly good film covering subject matter mainstream Hollywood would never bother with. Just do yourself a favor, read up on the conflict before or after viewing so you at least have a balanced view....
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