Review of Gone

Gone (2011 TV Movie)
Gone Goes Way Out **1/2
23 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting premise is soon shattered by a hazy story-line.

A victim of an assault undergoes therapy, separates from her husband, and has her daughter kidnapped. In between all this, she, works in a hospital, is contacted to kill someone over a vaccine.

This all becomes quite confusing and totally unbelievable for that matter. You would think that the victim's husband had something to do with this. After all, he wants full custody of the kidnapped child.

To add more confusion to this, we have police involvement and a sort of willing participation from an elected official.

Yes, there is murder to add to all the mayhem going on. You don't feel satisfied at film's end. Just a sigh of relief that this has finally all ended.
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