Review of Jimmy and Judy

Horrendously second-rate derivative junk...
21 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
...that has likely departed the memories of the handful of people who actually burned the useless hour-twenty or so it took to watch it; I know I'll be looking forward to forgetting it as soon as possible, except as yet another example of Sturgeon's Revelation (check yer Wikipedia, kiddies). It will remain notable for only one thing: the introduction of Edward "Pecker" Furlong (looking almost as bad as he did in the execrable remake of "Night of the Demons") to co-star, eventual wife, mother of his child, and soon to be divorced Rachael "I used to have a career" Bella. Neither of them turn in terribly convincing performances, although I'll admit this is the fault of the pitiful script and likely uninspired direction by an indie duo who've apparently gone nowhere since. Sad to say, this is no great loss to the world of cinema. William "Trespass" Sadler's laughable monologue is the only other element of note in this snoozer, and I do hope his paycheck was worth the embarrassment. That some benighted reviewer somewhere dared to compare this pap to Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers" is risible at best. Desperation viewing only, despite Ms. Bella's pretty perkies, and another stain on the reputation of my local public library's video buyer.
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