Post No Bills (1896)
Not bad for 1896.
21 July 2011
Most people have seen few, if any, films from the very earliest days of movies. Well, compared to the average film of the day, this Georges Méliès product is great--mostly because everything else was so terribly boring and mundane. The bottom line is that the giants of early film, such as Lumière and Edison, were featuring the most ordinary of activities in films that only lasted a minute or less. Folks back in 1896 loved watching babies eat, people smoking and people smiling at the camera. So, seeing a comedy (of sorts) was a huge improvement and while you might thing "Post No Bills" is a bust, it was big stuff at the time.

The film consists of a very stupid soldier walking in front of a sign saying to 'post no bills'. Although he's standing practically next to the sign, two bozos come by and slap up posters. Believe it or not, this is a laugh riot....okay, it's NOT but it was back in the day.
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