Why not be open minded?
19 July 2011
Many here have not seen the movie but are rating it according to their own bias toward Palin. They WILL not see the movie but just continue to bash someone they do not know.

I've always believed that, if you are open-minded, you will consider all the evidence before making a judgment. This seems to be intelligence, to me. The other way is simply ignorance.

The movie doesn't pretend to be balanced. We've been inundated with the negative press about Palin, truthful or not. This film attempts to tell the other side of the story so the picture of her is balanced. There is a reason Palin was the most popular governor in the nation, with 88% popularity before she was picked as VP candidate. The movie shows why this is so. It points out what the emails also pointed out...an honest, hard-working, intelligent, and principled governor working for the state. In the nearly three years she was governor, she did more for the people in her state than nearly any other full-term governor has done, including putting crooks in her own party in jail.

This movie reviews what she did for the state, such as leaving it with over $12 billion in surplus.

It shows how her instant popularity as VP candidate brought on a nearly universal attack frenzy from the media and liberals and what it cost her and why it was necessary to finally resign as governor.

"Undefeated" is about a spirit that can't be defeated, and because of the strength in this woman, she will not ever be defeated.

Whether you will vote for her or not, she is very much a part of the political scene and the future, and for this reason it seems the only intelligent thing is to see what she is really all about. If you still want to attack her, you have some new talking points. If you want the truth, you will find it here.
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