15 July 2011
I watched the first episode and decided to watch the second(it followed immediately) to see if it could get worse. As impossible as I thought it might be, it actually was worse. From horrible to uber-horrible. I don't get headaches often but this show gave me one.

Roseanne is a woman who loves to listen to herself be obnoxious and foul-mouthed while thinking what she has to say is relevant. Relevant to what, I'm not sure. There is no substance to this mess(the mess being her, the show, or both). She offers nothing that you can't find in any white trash neighborhood in the country after the residents return from a trip to the liquor store. She's worse because she does it sober.

The boyfriend(Johnny) strikes me as a lazy bum who got his meal ticket in exchange for calling her pet names like mommy, doll, sweety, etc... and, no doubt, doing unspeakably horrible things with her.

The beach bum/Kato Cailin wannabe is a dope that is nothing more than a young Johnny(the boyfriend) in training.

Looking out your window watching the grass grow is time better spent.
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