Sweet Movie (1974)
Pretentious Feast of the Obscene
16 July 2011
Please disregard any preconceptions you may have regarding this film. Anyone who attempts to find artistic merit in this film are simply telling lies to become exclusive. The world of artistic cinema is a very elitist camp and you are not welcome. There is no plot, so story, simply abstract imagery. You'll read comments stating that this film is a stark look at humanity and that it's nihilistic nature is set out for us to introspectively and retrospectively review the nature of the human condition. This film is awful. It was a tool used in the seventies for those "art types" to further separate themselves from the common man.

It is dated exploitation. There is no redeeming factors in this film at all. You will waste your time watching this film. I can assure you, my friends and I enjoy all kinds of film, foreign cinema, the most disturbing and violent films, ridiculous American comedy, Anime, drama, etc... and we can comfortably agree, this is one of the most terrible things we've ever seen.

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