Only In America Indeed....
12 July 2011
The History Channel continues the ever going decay from it's roots as a channel for History with adding one more pointless show to the roster. Only In America proves that Only in America can an unfunny untalented idiot hack of a comedian relying on a dated brand of "Blue Collar Humor" actually get his own TV show. Like so many of History's other pointless shows, it goes on the road to talk to every tom dick and harry for no real reason- except - no, no exceptions this show is dumb and pointless. Larry rips off "Dirty Jobs" by doing whatever he can find wherever he can find it while being as loud and obnoxious as he can be with hoots and hollers acting as hackish as possible. The show has no substance no point no purpose of existence aside to give lazy network executives more money to produce more garbage as cheaply as possible.

This joins a gaggle of already pointless shows that fills the airwaves of the network known once as The History Channel all dedicated to blue-collar shows and other dubious garbage and makes me wonder how long before their famous H logo becomes an R for reality. A+E enough is enough, stop giving stupid people more stuff to rot our brains with and go back to your roots.
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