Bad Literature Adaptation !
29 June 2011
There are tons of movies based off of stories and poems, but there is one that gets under my skin every time I think of it. "Bram Stoker's Dracula's Guest"

This movie is based off of the short story "Dracula's Guest" and was by Bram Stoker in 1914 ( duh ) http://www.literature.org/authors/stoker-bram/draculas-guest . Produced in 2008, it looks like it was produced in 1988.

Scenes exist just to confuse the watcher, very poor editing, , plot holes the size of a school bus, character inconsistencies, bad shot control, a lot of missing footage .... it just makes the whole movie experience uncomfortable to sit through.

This is the worst movie I have ever watched ! And I have watched such gems as "Autumn", "Mom And Dad Saves The World", "Terminators", and "Cyborg".

It could have been an all right movie, if a competent directer had done it. How can a "Hero rescues his true love from an evil villain" plot be SO badly done!

To the movie's credit, the set design, most of the time, is very well done!
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