Review of Super Hybrid

Super Hybrid (2010)
Way better then expected, good little ride
29 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was a little surprised by the harsh reviews ( a whole 2) that this movie got. When I first heard about it more then a year or so ago ( after seeing " the car" way back in the day and movies like " duel" ) the idea sounded intriguing.

After that the movie kinda went off the radar to pop up again through the usual channels not too long ago. And I must say its a nice little movie. In the " evil car" sub genre there aren't that many least not besides the fore-mentioned titles that I can remember and this is a worthy addition. The movie deals of course with a car that eats people, the way it lures them into its interior is reasonably self explanatory after watching the trailer and reading the synopsis..but it works. The car is sufficiently menacing and if you you buy into the idea that it lurks an underground parking garage / impound yard ( after being towed there because it was involved in an accident); you have yourself a nice little cat and mouse thriller. And yes, the characters aren't that fleshed out ( although better as you might expect). The ones who survive and wont comes as a mild surprise and the idea behind it - the car- is actually rather cool.

What I always found lacking in the fore-mentioned " the car" is that you never see who or what drives it, just dives of a cliff if memory serves me right and that is it. Here you do see what.." drives" it. The transformation scenes - from model to model- are nicely done and there is indeed a thrill or two to be found here.

So..yes of course there are " better" movies, however in this sub genre to my knowledge there are not..and no duel doesn't count. So forget the fact that it was shelved for two years. Put your mindset to a nicely done little thriller that wants to entertain in a somewhat gritty and serious manner and its a good way to spend 1.5 hrs.
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