Review of Wilfred

Wilfred (2011–2014)
Funniest show in years!!!
24 June 2011
My girlfriend and I sat down last night to check out Wilfred with minimal expectations and were blown away. We must have rewound the show 10 times because we missed so much of it laughing our faces off.

If you are unsure if this show is for you ask yourself these questions first. If you answer yes to 1 or more of these your in for a treat. Do you own a dog? Do you sometimes feel like you know what your dog is thinking or would like to? Do you think Brian's character on Family Guy is hilarious and wouldn't mind him being portrayed as a man in a dog suit? Do you enjoy dry or dark humor about "the man" and your need to be free from responsibility?

The person playing Wilfred does an amazing job of capturing the thought process and emotions of an everyday dog without making it cheesy.

There's not much more to say except my DVR is set and I'll be tuning in every week to see what mischief this crazy dog will conjure up for Ryan.
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