The Tunnel (I) (2011)
An above average Australian horror
19 June 2011
The Tunnel is the story about a bunch of journalists that goes for a research about the happenings involving the government and deactivated tunnel galleries that once was supposed to be a place for water recycling but suddenly the project not only never was concluded but also never was talked about anymore. Then they go there and are about to discover that there is really something wrong into those galleries, so they find themselves into a truly survival horror.

The Blair Witch Project (1999), Paranormal Activity (2007), REC (2007), Cloverfield (2008), The 4th Kind (2009), The Tunnel (2011)... among others. They have in common the same idea pushed by The Blair Witch, which is the main reference of all movies that followed its successful idea. The interesting thing about it is that we all know that everything is a lie, almost everyone dies, there's always something dark or surreal behind all the happenings, the main idea is the same, they are all low budget movies... but all of them frighten us in a way or another, no matter its horror level.

The Tunnel isn't different. I've watched it expecting everything that I've already experienced with all those movies and it keeps frighting me as the first time I've watched a movie of the genre. It's not a movie well developed and constructed with a great idea, great acting and a grand finale as its predecessors but it's effective as a horror movie and a survival horror genre. It's something like The Descent (2005) meets REC.

The movie tries hard to make us believe that everything is based on true facts. They use phone recordings, security video recordings and some personal statements, but it's clear that everything is fictional. Sometimes seems that the characters just don't care about what happened but this is a fact of the amateur acting level. Also the shots inside the tunnels sometimes are very effective, but sometimes seems that they used the same passageways all the time. A little bit claustrophobic for the excess of night vision and extremely close shots. But anyway, this kind of movie gives freedom for mistakes and lack of quality, saving themselves from serious analysis.

If you survived all those movies, this one will be something easy to swallow. It's not the best one nor the worst, also it's not a B movie if you consider the fact that it's an Australian horror movie, a country that never had a strong presence in the genre and is more known for usually provide the worst horror movies in industry, making The Tunnel something above average.
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