The Tunnel (I) (2011)
Slow telling of a weak story
16 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Another mockumentary..In my opinion this movie was hardly worth 5 minutes of the time I spent watching it. Very long build-up, which isn't actually building up a lot - certainly not tension or sympathy for the characters. I found it mildly amusing how desperate the movie tries to induce an understanding for the motivations of the protagonists - and utterly fails. The very scarce action is spoiled by a jerky hand-cam, which is definitely not adding to the overall credibility of the storytelling since it is clearly employed to omit any scene that would have cost actual money. Adding credibility may have also been the idea behind the constant use of annoying effects mimicking a malfunctioning digital camera -they are laughably inauthentic! That at least shouldn't have been hard.. The viewer has a clear idea who will survive in this picture after he's watched the first 20 minutes .. and since this is literally the only content of the movie (four people going in the tunnel- two coming out) one has seen the whole thing at this point. This movie got a ridiculously high overall-rating & I actually have an apt theory about personal acquaintances of the filmcrew writing some of the reviews - don't get fooled.. I am a friend of horror movies. I ain't here to bash a movie because it happens to be a genre I don't like and understand. I really dig indie movies with a shoestring budget: a well- told story doesn't need state-of-the-art effects to support it. I quite like the mockumentary approach in more recent filmmaking - i have seen great flicks that work with it & I don't mean the trendsetters exclusively. The Tunnel is just an uninteresting, amateurishly executed movie, not because but in spite of being an Australian Indie. I learned after watching that it was made available for free. Well good on them. It's still shite.
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