13 June 2011
Definitely worth watching. The best word to describe it is 'interesting'. It seems quite slow sometimes, though never boring, just more character-driven than plot-driven for a large portion of the film - although more happens towards the end.

The actors playing the film's central/crucial characters played their roles well, and most had interesting, thought-provoking roles. Sophie Nyweide in particular was excellent as Lisa. To me, the film revolved around her and Mona, played well by Jessica Alba. Their relationship was interesting, especially alongside the film's comments on becoming and being a grown up. Lisa's character alone was one of the main things that kept me hooked when I was watching it; children's roles don't often go that deep in character. That, as well as Mona's views on numbers and any of the final thoughts the film leaves you with, makes An Invisible Sign something new and refreshing.

I didn't leave with a new favourite, but I'm very glad I watched it. It's not the type of film to suit everyone, but I recommend giving it a chance.
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