Sluggish affair
13 June 2011
I've seen most of the movies on Cynthia Rothrock's filmography, and I have yet to see a movie of hers that is actually good. I will admit that this particular effort isn't as bad as some of her other films (like 24 HOURS TO MIDNIGHT), but all the same I found this movie tough to sit through at times. It is filmed entirely in Indonesia, but the locations chosen are almost all so generic that one might swear the movie was filmed in Los Angeles. Those who rent this movie with the feeling you'll get to see Rothrock kicking a lot of butt will be disappointed. Her fights aren't that spectacular (actually, *none* of the fights in the movie are exciting), and she doesn't have that many fight scenes. In fact, at times Rothrock's character seems to be an afterthought - she appears somewhat less in the movie that you might think. But the biggest fault of the movie is that it's really dull at times, fairly lifeless and unenergetic. You can safely skip this one.
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