An enjoyable bad movie countdown, all things considered
13 June 2011
I love a list. I love countdown lists of films. I also enjoy wading through Z-Grade films. So it's perhaps unsurprising that I enjoyed The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made. I know it isn't perfect though. There just isn't a lot of time spent on each individual film; it is very rushed. But, to be perfectly honest, this is a relatively minor complaint from me. It's good to see any discussion on these often obscure pictures, no matter how brief and limited that discussion actually is. The selection of films is perfectly fine. Although lets clear up something up front, with the odd exceptions such as Hillbillys in a Haunted House, Teenage Zombies and (possibly) Santa Claus Conquers the Martians these are not the worst films ever made. But if someone did make a top 50 worst movie documentary featuring the truly worst films of all time it would make for somewhat torturous and depressing viewing. Only the truly masochistic would wish to watch an hour of clips from cinematic garbage such as Dark Harvest 2, Grad Night or Ben & Arthur. Having made a point of watching many of the worst films ever made myself, I can report from the front line that films such as Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Incredible Melting Man are relatively brilliant when compared to the likes of Zombiez or Car 54, Where Are You? Where the former films have a great deal of charm about them the latter are joyless suck-fests of the first order. What this DVD mainly is, is a celebration of Z-Grade schlock – alright the films might often be very shoddy but they usually offer at least some entertainment value.

The pace of this countdown is very fast and films are passed over too quickly at times with often very little analysis of why they are on the list in the first place. And the order is, to say the least, somewhat random. But these weren't aspects that bothered me overly much, as in the final analysis this is an enjoyable bit of fun. And it certainly did introduce me to quite a few films I had hitherto never even heard of. So while this is not as good as it could have been, it's definitely entertaining. It's a worthwhile pointer for bad movie fans.
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