Night Nurse (1931)
Damea In White
11 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"The Public Enemy" director William Wellman tackles the issue of medical ethics in this blue-collar melodrama. A young Barbara Stanwyck stars as the crusading nurse heroine who sets out to save the children from the despicable likes of Clark Gable--in a loan-out role--as a slimy small time hood who has no qualms about slugging women. This snappy 72-minute, black & white expose about hospitals and nurses is gripping but often sordid tale. Wellman doesn't appropriate the usual romantic conventions. The romantic scenes between them as they flirt are put on the back burner in favor to the graphic plot about children-in-jeopardy. Barbara Stanwyck's performance seems callow and uncertain at time, nothing like she was later in "Baby Face," but Joan Blondell is her usual jaunty self. It is exciting to catch Clark Gable at this point in his illustrious career before he made good at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He delivers an electrifying performance as a hood that stands out above all else.

"Night Nurse" emerges as a departure from the typical Hollywood production in the wake of the silent picture. Pay attention to all those tracking shots when Wellman moves the camera. Early Hollywood sound pictures were primarily static because producers and directors were fearful of generating sound when they moved their cameras. Moreover, Wellman recorded live audio when he moved his cameras which was something of an innovation. He was one of the first filmmakers to dangle a microphone from a boom. If you have any doubts about the use of boom mikes, look for the tell-tale shadows of the boom mikes. The opening shots lensed through the windshield of an ambulance careening down one street then another to a hospital emergency room is pretty invigorating stuff, enough so Wellman ended "Night Nurse" with this same sequence.

Lora Hart (Barbara Stanwyck)wants to be a nurse. She nearly misses the chance because she lacks a high school diploma. Wellman and his scribes make her sympathetic from the start because her mother's death forced her to drop out of high school. Since she doesn't have the diploma, a stern-minded nurse refuses to accept her. Fortunately for Lora, the man hurriedly entering the hospital's front entrance revolving door catches her as she exits and knocks her handball to the ground. This callous gentleman turns is the influential Dr. Arthur Bell (Charles Winninger of "Nothing Sacred") and he persuades the Superintendent of Nurses, Miss Dillon (Vera Lewis of "Intolerance") to give Lora a chance. "Rules are important," Dillon dictates, and "Night Nurse" is about about breaking rules, not only in the medical field but also in the movies. Dillon assigns another nurse, Maloney (Joan Blondell of "Three on a Match"), to show Lora the ropes, and those ropes are tightropes.

First, Maloney warns Lora not to fall in love with either doctors or interns. Cynically, Maloney recommends patients with dough. Second,the nurses must follow strict rules or lose their jobs. For example, she has one hour to herself and must work until 7 pm. As long as she is in bed with lights out by 10 pm, she has nothing to fear. Moreover, if they are caught out of bed after 10 pm, they face the prospect of additional night shifts. Later, Lora learns that she earns a paltry $56 per week. A cocksure intern, Eagan (Edward J. Nugent of "Prison Shadows"), pulls a practical joke on Lora. Eagan stashes a human skeleton in her bed. Lora screams and he pokes his head in to laugh at them. Meanwhile, the scream has awakened Miss Dillon who storms into their room. Maloney mistakes Dillon for Eagan and flings a slipper at her. Dillon makes Lora take two weeks on the night shift at the emergency clinic. Eventually, Lora graduates from the nursing program and gets a night nurse job with an unscrupulous Dr. Milton A. Ranger (Ralf Harolde of "Killer Shark") who explains that the best nurses is keep her mouth shut.

One evening, Lora patches up a wounded bootlegger, Mortie (Ben Lyon of "Indiscreet"), who persuades her not to report his bullet wound. They become friends, and Mortie saves Lora later when she finds herself in a tight spot. Maloney handles the day shift, while Lora works the night shift,attending to two children, Nanny (Marcia Mae Jones of "The Champ") and Desney (Betty Jane Graham of "Alias the Doctor"), suffering from malnutrition.

One evening, when she tries to help the drunken Mrs. Ritchey (Charlotte Merriam of "Alimony Madness"), Lora is assaulted by the drunken boyfriend and Nick, the Chauffeur (Clark Gable of "Gone with the Wind") intervenes. Lora is about to call the police, but Nick clobbers her on the chin. When Mrs. Maxwell, the Housekeeper (Blanche Friderici of "Thirteen Women") lets slip that Dr. Ranger and Nick, the Chauffeur are in cahoots to kill them for their trust fund money, Lora goes to Dr. Bell. Bell warns her that nobody will believe her hysterical accusations about Ranger. When Lora wants to quit, Bell convinces her to continue to work so she can gather evidence to be used against Ranger and Nick. Lora and Mrs. Maxwell are trying to save Nanny with a milk bath when Nick intervenes. There is a wonderful close-up of the bath tub being emptied out into the silk with the doll that Nanny had that sums up the old saying do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Anyhow, things are touch and go until Mortie shows up with a pistol in his pocket and sends Nick packing.

"Night Nurse" is an interesting and entertaining Pre-Code film where convenient things happen.
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