Jeon Woochi (2009)
Great Film
10 June 2011
Woochi is a fantastic film.

I saw this film in Chinese with subtitles, so i'm a bit fuzzy on the plot, but it revolves around a young, charismatic wizard and his magical escapades.

Great costumes, discreet acting, lovely photography.

Absolutely gross, horrid, mind-numbingly bad direction and editing.

If you can tolerate two hours of one-second long cuts, then this film is for you.

yep, my rating ins't the result of a slipped mouse click or Explorer bug, it's really 1/10; Woochi is a constant brain-damaging multitude of cuts, every single time an actor says a line the camera has to switch facing him - if Hitchcock turns in his grave a quarter turn per camera cut, you would have him spinning so fast you could power a city if you could just stick a turbine in there with him. Seriously, i dare you to watch this film - 10 minutes in and i had a headache. In the very first scene, there are four elder priests talking animately, and every time one of them starts a sentence (in someone else's mid-sentence) the camera makes a cut.

I propose cutting off the balls of the man who edited this.

Final rating - below zero.
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