Freight (2010)
Above average DVD actioner, raised above the bar by a dynamic lead
9 June 2011
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Gabe Taylor (Billy Murray) had a shady past in the British Secret Service, but now is focused on the wedding of his daughter Julie (Laura Aikman) and the up-coming reception. Then, his world is plunged into chaos when a portaloo is stolen, and he exchanges words with Cristi (Danny Midwinter) the leader of a gang of foreign criminals involved in human trafficking from Romania. When Cristi kidnaps his daughter and tries to force her into the sex trade, Gabe engages in a merciless battle of vengeance.

On the face of it a typical, generic straight to DVD action film, Stuart St. Paul's story seems to have a genuinely human heart at it's core and seems to possess a social conscience, going to pains to highlight the human trafficking problem engulfing the UK at the moment, and how the statistics paint a grim picture. Anyone who's ever been to a seedy back street strip club might not be getting offered services that are entirely voluntary, and this certainly sets out to make them feel bad about it. Still, it goes about this in a formulaic, by the numbers way, with a cardboard, stereotypical Eastern European villain and flimsy supporting cast. But the always watchable Murray is a dynamic lead, the script is that bit more well written than usual and the attempts to highlight a social problem spreading the country are laudable and more than you'd usually get from this type of thing. ***
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