"Starving for Democracy..."
7 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
According to THE WARNING (another documentary worth seeing), "the superstructure for a police state is in place" in this country. "Hope is an illusion." We have "an Imperial Presidency of a corporate state," and, until there's a war-crimes tribunal, politicians can pay all the lip-service they like to the notion of "Democracy," but TRUE Democracy will continue to wither on the vine. In MOVING THE MOUNTAIN, we see students on a hunger strike wearing headbands that read: "STARVING FOR DEMOCRACY." It's a LITERAL statement, in their case. "Democracy does not come without sacrifice," warns Wei Jingsheng ("The Father of Democracy" in China). But, "China's problems must be solved in China," Wang Dan asserts. The guilt expressed by the displaced dissidents should reflect most strongly on the government that continues to this day to deny them the Democracy they crave. Li Lu put it best: "Behind that young man facing down that row of tanks stood an entire generation." His background information about The Democracy Wall and its unexpected widespread acceptance (as well as his own tragic personal story) perfectly sets the stage for what was to come. "A great movement will never die," he concludes. "The hope is still there." One of his last thoughts is the most moving: "I have the sense that once again I will be summoned by History."
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