This was the worst movie I've ever seen.
4 June 2011
This story has been overdone to death, but what's worse, this version did it BADLY. Sure, it did switch up some things here and there, but, BADLY. It had horrible acting, awkward screenplay (Even the camera angles were awkward), an absolutely cringe-worthy script, and weak, flat characters. Okay, not all the actors were as bad as the lead, 'Cinderella'. Some were minimally better; then again, some were worse. It was the dullest, most eye-roll-inducing, face-palm worthy, predictable, cheesy, stereotypical movie ever. It wasn't even funny-bad, it was just stupid-bad. Side note: I'm not sure if the British accents that some of these American 'actors' put on are meant to sound fake, but fake they sound; and extremely so.

If I seem overly harsh in my choice of words to describe this movie, I'm sorry. It's coming from a frustration at myself for watching the entire ridiculous thing all the way through. Huge waste of time, that. -_-
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