Gutterballs (2008)
insult to the genre of horror!
3 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
despite my friends general opinion that the genre of horror was invented by a sick moron without anything better to do, i however beg to truly frighten an audience as the genre is MEANT to do the creator must delve into the human mind to explore what drives terror! then once that is found can then set about bringing that unconscious terror alive through the careful planning of a good story, a gritty script,believable actors,empathetic characters and of course the frights themselves.....this film however had none of the above and was overall the most boring,painful and intelligence insulting movie experience that i have suffered since i watched the first twilight movie!

the acting was terrible,the script sounded like it was spewed by a foul mouthed illiterate on a bad day, the characters where both unbelievable and completely unlikeable and the gore was dull and predictable(but slightly gratifying due to the infuriating nature of the characters). the infamous rape was more distasteful than disturbing due to the highly graphic and exploitive nature of the scene....designed more to "turn you on" than to shock and repulse, adding to the idea i got that the film was made purely to satisfy the perverted needs of the director. likewise the other sex scenes where exploitive and ridiculous and the transvestite scene was, to put it simply, a load of b***s! overall i found the film boring,irritating and a total waste of my time. was just the typical clichéd mysterious serial killer turning up and slaughtering a bunch of typically annoying characters that really were asking for it....warning to all serious horror film lovers stay well away...if you must look at your TV is a lot more interesting and clever than this film!!
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