Review of Blood Out

Blood Out (2011 Video)
Luke Goss? No, no, no.
3 June 2011
The film is adventurous, some of the scenes are splendidly colourful in a pantomime, burlesque peep show kind of way. The streets look mean, the cops look bad and the baddies look badder, apart from Kilmer who just looks like a camp, fat has-been.

Goss plays a cop forced to throw in his badge and infiltrate the underworld to seek revenge for his brother's death. Goss has come along way since his band days, and looks the Jason Streatham'esque mean moody guy who's not to be messed with, but his accent is terrible. At times, English, at times a bit Aussie I think he just manages to get away with it, but it is distracting. His slight frame also has you questioning at times whether really, really he is capable of ploughing into guys twice his size and pummelling them to bits. When he turns sideways he most disappears.

That aside, the rest of the cast are great, specifically with regard to Tamer Hassan, who delivers a rock solid performance as the egomaniac Elias. Around him, he is surrounded with a very believable army of thugs and this alone saves the film.

I think this was a bit too big for Goss, at this juncture, especially with a non-native accent, but the action, and slow underlying story is believable and keeps you watching.
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