Review of Dean Spanley

Dean Spanley (2008)
Unexpectedly outstanding film.
2 June 2011
"A Christmas Carol" meets "Ordinary People": "Dean Spanley" is an incredible little gem, a quiet and touching movie. No special effects, no violence or sex, just fabulous writing and dialog, a quirky, eccentric and unexpected plot line, topped by exquisite performances create a surprisingly charming and moving film. Jeremy Northam plays his character in an appropriately understated but warmly likable way to counterpoint the more whimsical performances of Peter O'Toole and Sam Neill. Mr. Neill has the most difficult but most critical role. The movie is completely dependent on the viewer believing his performance and he pulls it off splendidly. He is the adult reading the children's tale to a trio of rapt toddlers. Peter O'Toole displays an amazing range of emotions with just a stare and bowing of his head. And Bryan Brown plays his character with his usual Australian wink and nod. The final star of the movie is the underrated musical score.

I am a little baffled at some of the lukewarm critical reviews I have read here. The member reviews have been much more generous. I can find little or no fault with the movie and have watched it several times over just to enjoy all of its subtle little nuances.
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