Maybe they should consult someone.
30 May 2011
OK seriously???? I study wolf sociobiology which is the study of social structures and behaviors. I couldn't watch the first five minutes without beginning to point out problems. They got a lot of the pack structure wrong and the way that wolves show dominance was poorly portrayed. One of the main things is tail posture. Dominant wolves have a high tail posture while subordinate wolves have a low tail posture. The Omega, there is usually only one or two, will often keep its tail between its legs especially when around an "alpha" male or female. Also, "moonlight howl??" It is a complete myth that wolves howl at the moon. In fact, most "howling sessions" occur in the early morning or late in the evening. In terms of the story, it was boring and predictable. The dialog was forced and over dramatic. I was very excited when I heard of a movie all about reintroductions of wolves. But this movie got it all wrong and made reintroductions seem like bad things. Better luck next time. This movie sucked!
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