My Favorite War Film
28 May 2011
My dad was a sonar man on a destroyer escort and made two convoys across the mid-Atlantic. I saw this film as a kid and quickly reproduced the battle sequences in the bathtub with my model ships. When it finally came out on DVD I snatched it up. It holds up through repeated viewings. I even used the burial at sea sequence in a Memorial Day Service! There is something about Bogey leading in the Lord's Prayer! I buy every WW2 naval picture I can get my hands on--but this is the best of them. If you ever built WW2 ship models, you will love the miniatures in this film-a whole convoy with escorts and a menacing wolf pack of U-boats.

Another favorite is "The Enemy Below" (1957) which takes place on a DE like the one my dad was on. But that film is more personal--two ships battling each other. "Action in the North Atlantic" is on a much grander scale.
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