Review of Folge Mir

Folge Mir (2010)
A beautiful woman, smoking a cigarette, looks at a peeling building. The camera stays with her, she is smiling.
24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Folge mir (Follow Me)

Director: Johannes Hammel Austria 2010

Cast: Daniela Holtz (Frau Blumenthal), Roland Jaeger (Herr Blumenthal), Charlotte Ullrich (die andere Frau Blumenthal), Simon Jung (Pius), Karl Fischer (Religionslehrer Denoth), Oskar Fischer (Roman). Forum

A beautiful woman, smoking a cigarette, looks at a peeling building. The camera stays with her, she is smiling.

A film about the way a leaking broken ceiling and cheap light fixture can break your heart. A family lives in a crummy flat overlooking an ugly waterfront. Everything from evening meals to weekend trips is agony. Everything is strange, a little off.

Crystal-clear black-and-white Cinemascope images of an unhappy family are composed in a post-narrative structure, juxtaposed with cheerful low-res Super 8 home movies of a better life.

"You can't believe how suddenly things can subtly change."

In one world, a kind waitress serves Frau Blumenthal a latte machiatto; in another, a sour waiter throws her out onto the street, a madwoman.

In one world, she's riding her bike in her summer dress in the sun, with the sound of surf and seagulls. In another, she's trying to learn to ride on a dismal street, constantly looking to see who is watching her.

And religion is a sad affair, through which children are indoctrinated to a life of disappointment and failure by a sadistic teacher. Folge mir is the textbook.

As Frau Blumenthal, Daniela Holtz and Charlotte Ullrich are radiant and unforgettable.

Folge mir is Johannes Hammel's debut as director of a feature film. He works in Vienna as a freelance filmmaker, cameraman, and producer.
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