21 May 2011
Too many bad films and all the sudden people wouldn't recognise a good comedy if it came around and took a crap on their shoes;

The Legend of Awesomest Maximus is really really good.

Thats it, end of review.

I said end of review.

No seriously, what is there to say? Great acting ?? Don't need it. Great production ?? Well, not really but, it's not like it's a ugly film. I'd actually say this is a pretty sweet film production-wise.

Look, some films serve a purpose, and Awesomest does it perfectly, if you like comedy like horror fans like Hammer films, and incidentally like girls everywhere like Gigli, then this film is unmissable and yes, it will become a cult hit.

Go see it or rather, rent it, you will not regret it.

Recommended to anyone who is still a little bit immature, and for everyone else who isn't immature, i say get some immaturity back in your life, you old sock.

Final vote 8/10 - should have been a 9, but they got the spelling wrong in the title. Come on, how hard was it to make it "Awesomus" instead of "Awesomest"... jeez, the writers these days..
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