Should have been better
18 May 2011
Jabez (James Craig) makes a deal with the devil who takes the form of Mr Scratch (Walter Huston). Jabez will have success and wealth for 7 years in return for his soul. After 7 years has passed, Mr Scratch offers another deal - Jabez can save himself if he sacrifices his young son. Well........Jabez doesn't like this deal and Daniel Webster (Edward Arnold) steps up to the plate on his behalf and goes head to head with the devil.

The story sounds good but it is mostly boring. Nothing happens for an hour. Things only get interesting with the introduction of Belle (Simone Simon). There are only a few good scenes and nearly all of these involve Belle - from the moment we first see her sitting in front of the fireplace where we just know that she is a wicked abomination conjured up by the devil, to the moment at the party where she fills the room with guests that aren't really there, to her end appearance as she rides away to somewhere over the mountains. She has an unworldly aura and her world is the world of the dead. She is all that is good about the film.

James Craig is unconvincing and impossible to care about in the lead role. Most of the rest of the cast are also uninspiring. Especially annoying is the boy Lindy Wade. I would definitely have sacrificed the brat in order to have 7 more years of success and wealth.

Whilst the story has a good idea, the ending is pretty crass with a court case between Daniel Webster and the Devil. It's a chance to spout crap about living a good life and it will either make you puke or completely bore you. A more effective ending would have seen Jabez let off at the expense of the brat whose life is taken by the devil. Despite a final cheeky frame with Walter Huston, this film could have been much better.
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