Africa...The Real Melting Pot
16 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start this review by saying that this movie is both entertaining and educational. It allows you a peek into the life of both the Africans and the French during colonization. This unique film exposes you to the real life problems that are faced not only with the French trying to colonize Africa but the troubles that arise within an African tribe itself. That being said I give this film a 7 out of 10. The only reason it was not higher is due to the nature that the plot got confusing and jumbled at points, but otherwise a brilliant movie that touches on all of your emotions.

Ca Twiste a Popenguine (Rocking Popenguine) takes place in 1960's Africa following main character Bacc and his fellow tribe mates during French colonization. Bacc does not have any biological parents within the tribe due to the fact they left to go to Paris and as the film states "got lost in the streets". This "got lost in the streets" metaphorically speaking insures the viewer that Bacc's parents accepted the French way of life and never returned to their home life in Africa leaving Bacc in the care of the whole entire tribe. This sets up a conflict between Bacc and the rest of the tribe. The tribe, besides a select few, believe that Bacc will become just like his parents and therefore treat him as a outcast of the tribe. This could symbolize the difference between tradition and modernity in Africa during colonization. Bacc and his parents represent the French way of life; good education (Bacc is brilliant), money, business skills, and the desire to be better than normal (Bacc wants to be in the "Pitchoss" or movies). Whereas the tribe represents the desire to maintain tradition and not accept modernity. Which is portrayed in the scene of the movie where the kids of the gang, The Inseparables, are given a swatting and yelled at for their behavior in throwing a surprise party involving American and French music which allowed close slow dancing. Mr. Benoit, the tribes only Frenchman and teacher, tries to step in and tell Jabeel, the tribes religious figure, that these kids do not deserve that type of punishment for the crime they supposedly committed for they are the future of the tribe. This continues with the theme of modernity versus tradition.

While this movie generally follows Bacc and his mishaps and learnings it also follows the struggles of two gangs within the tribe. The Inseparables and The Kings. The Inseparables are a gang of teens that accept and embrace the French way of life. Whereas the The Kings represent the desire to live the American life. Throughout the whole film it is a constant struggle between the two to become the most popular and obtain the loyalty of the only two teen girls in Popenguine, Sylvie and Shelia. The Inseparables represent the traditional lifestyle they were raised by due to the fact of French colonization, while The Kings represent "change" or modernity (this is seen through their desire to have the newest records, teppaz, and TV). This power struggle causes some bumps in the road for both gangs mainly due to the fact that Bacc plays both sides never claiming or being claimed be either gang. The two gangs are ultimately brought together at the end of the movie with a clever plan by the producer of the film. The final scene of the movie shows the The Inseparables and the Kings together at a party with no negative feelings. The common ground that rings them together is ironic in itself, a Persian musician singing American Rock & Roll in the French language. Metaphorically speaking the tribe is brought together through a mesh of modernity and tradition, which is also ironic in nature. Mainly because the clash of modernity versus tradition is what ultimately caused all of the tribes struggles in the first place. Christianity and Islam meshed together, French and Wolof meshed together, Modernity versus Tradition meshed together, ultimately this movies shows Africa as "The Real Melting Pot".
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